Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tax Preparation - Top 5 Items Your Accountant Needs

Hinkle + Landers is a small business, so we know how stressful tax preparation can be. Trying to sort through all the receipts and remember everything from the year before can bring on headaches. There are 5 main items that we recommend preparing before you give your CPA all your receipts and logs for taxes.  These items will make the whole process smoother on both you and your accountant.
1. Financial Statements — Preparing a basic set of financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, ahead of time will help your accountant understand what happened with your business during the year.    
2. List of Capital Asset Activity — If, during the year, you bought, sold or retired any capital assets, you will need to account for it in your tax return. You will need to prepare a list of those capital asset changes, so your accountant can properly account for it in your tax return.  Most of the time the software you use for your business, can easily print out the activity that took place in your capital asset account(s).
3. Vehicle Log — We get a lot of questions regarding vehicles, and when a vehicle is used for personal and business purposes.  When you used your vehicles for business purposes, you can claim a portion of the vehicle’s expenses as a tax deduction on your business income.  This deduction can be calculated by two different methods, which your accountant can help you with.  For both methods, you need to keep track of your business miles that are driven each year.  You can do this by creating a log.  Then when your accountant begins working on your tax return, you can give the log to your accountant.
4. Summary of Home-Office Expenses — When you have your office in your house, and you regularly meet your clients there, you can claim some of your home/office expenses as business expenses.  Your accountant can help you with the calculations of determining how your home expenses are broken out into business expenses. You should talk to your accountant early in order to find out what your accountant will need regarding receipts, or other documents.
5. 1098 Forms for Mortgage Interest and Property Taxes — If you have an office in your home that is used as your primary place of business, you will need to provide the 1098 form that you received from your mortgage company, to your accountant.  This way your accountant can take into account any deduction related to your home office being your primary place of business.  Also, your accountant can claim the mortgage-interest deduction that you are entitled to as a homeowner on your personal tax return.
Firm Profile:  Hinkle + Landers, CPAs is one of Albuquerque New Mexico’s leading accounting firms.  Hinkle + Landers, CPAs has been operating for over 40 years in Albuquerque as well as all parts of New Mexico.  Hinkle + Landers, CPAs also provides audit, fraud and forensic accounting services as well as tax preparation, and bookkeeping in Albuquerque New Mexico.

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